
The MAGA Manual

“Rebuild The USA: The Trump Presidency And Beyond”

We the people have successfully chosen the “Make America Great Again” agenda, as reflected in our second election of Donald J. Trump, but this time not only in the Electoral College but as a landslide in the popular vote. In other words, we made a definite choice between accepting oligarchical rule and the freedoms, economic philosophies and general principles of the U.S. Constitution. So now that the majority of the country has its win, what do we do with it?

But before we get into that, let’s recall that we’ve had this win before, i.e. when we won our independence from Britain during our American Revolution. And I really must say, in both then and now, it was a war of good versus evil, tyranny versus sovereignty, freedom versus slavery. I mean we actually won a physical war against a tyrannical oligarchy and gained our freedom from that oligarchy, but we didn’t really keep it.

The fact is we never truly got one hundred percent out from under these guys. What we did was little by little, and then by a lot slipped back into the hands of the oligarchs. It didn’t seem so noticeable by the majority of the country until I’d say the first Trump administration, COVID and the Biden regime, but there has always been this evil element pushing and prodding via the media, politicians, corporations, etc. to keep us down, so they could control us and protect themselves against whatever imaginary enemy their paranoid souls could invent. And finally, “We the People” had enough and said so on November 5, 2024.

But whatever brought us to the brink of the return to oligarchical rule, doesn’t need to happen again. It doesn’t NEED to, but it CAN, just as it has before. And the way it did before was we were truly dumbed down. We’ve been devoid of the economic knowledge of our forefathers, so get this and get it good:

Economy is based on energy and production. Here’s how it works. The society produces things which enhance our survival and expansion into a better life. And to produce things, besides labor and raw materials, we need energy. Energy powers our factories which produce things we need to expand and survive better and better, healthier and healthier. So the more plentiful and efficient the energy, the better we can survive. But when you reduce the energy, as has been the operating basis of the Biden regime, the worse we survive, and that my friends is what we call “a bad economy”.

The above is an extremely simplified version of what it takes to have a thriving economy, but the point is we lost the concept. We’ve allowed ourselves to get fooled and distracted by giveaway programs, useless energy sources, endless wars, promiscuity and drugs.

Our President Elect, Donald Trump has a platform to reverse our downward spiral, which most of us voted for, but as a society it certainly wouldn’t hurt for us to become educated enough to return ourselves back to the mindset of our forefathers, which made America great in the first place!

Today’s guest, Brian Lantz, Author of ““Rebuild The USA: The Trump Presidency And Beyond” goes into the resources, not only of our land, energy and raw materials, but those resources within ourselves it takes to make the most of this new administration and put us back on track so we need never return to this brink of destruction again. I sincerely invite you to take a listen.

I also highly advise you to read or listen to Brian’s book, “Rebuild The USA: The Trump Presidency And Beyond” The link to this book is https://tinyurl.com/4a38brz5.

I also suggest Brian’s previous book, “What Trump’s Agenda47 Can Do” which outlines Trump’s Agenda47, telling you exactly what Trump has stated in writing what he will do over the next 4 years. The link to this book is https://tinyurl.com/5yjc2pm9.

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