
Let’s start off with the premise that energy is the backbone of human survival and growth.  It takes energy to not only light and heat our homes, provide a means to cook our food, etc., which is survival, but on a grander scale it’s the source which makes our factories run and produce what we need, farms run and produce what we eat, as well as the fuel which makes all the transportation of the factory and farm produced goods possible.

All of the above is necessary for our survival!  That keeps us alive at the level we are now surviving.  But at least as important, the improvement of energy allows us to progress as a race, which is a thing inherent in mankind, i.e. the striving for better and healthier conditions.  It’s the very nature of man to not only survive but to create and grow! 

You couldn’t stop the growth impulse if you tried, and God knows, there are plenty of evil people working on stopping it, and have been since the beginning of time.

But to get the magnified picture, let’s take a look at where we started as a country and our progression to now.

In the above graph the numbers on the left axis represent energy use per person measured in kilowatt hours, and the numbers across the bottom represent the progression of years.  As you can see, back in the 17 and 18 hundreds, when we were only using wood for energy, we were supporting less people than when we started using coal, and we were supporting more and more people as we progressed into more and more advanced forms of energy.  And if you’ll notice, petroleum, natural gas and nuclear (our most advanced and cleanest energy thus far) are supporting the most people, whereas solar and wind are supporting the least amount of people, lower even than wood and coal.

Therefore, the more advanced the energy source, the more people are supported.  And the reverse is also true, i.e. the least advanced the energy source, the less people are supported.  So when Kamala Harris proposes in her Green New Deal that we cut advanced energy sources (petroleum, natural gas and nuclear) she is proposing death and population decline. And if “death” sounds like too drastic a word, consider that people die when they can’t get enough heat in the winter, or can’t get enough food (which is produced on farms and processed in plants, both of which are energized with petroleum, natural gas and nuclear. Then they are transported with petroleum energized vehicles.

Now, one could say that all we need to do is heat our homes with solar and wind energy, energize the plants and farms with solar and wind energy, and use electric vehicles with batteries energized with solar and wind  to  transport the goods and we’d be all set.  Yes, one could say that, but that someone would be wrong; as wrong as Kamala Harris is when she says that!

To do that you would have to force the population of the size we now have, with all the survival technology we now have to support themselves  with less energy.  The bottom line is we need the energy density we now have in order to survive and grow, and solar and wind simply does not have the energy density to accomplish that.

Explore this point by point with me and Ben Deniston where Ben lays this out in terms anyone can understand, by watching or listening to trailer above, and click at the end for the entire “Take Control of Your Liberty” video podcast, which can also be found on YouTube, Rumble, Apple, Spotify and most any podcast channel.